

Technical articles






Explore the new frontier opened up by LED lighting

À´Ô´£ºSmart rod net ʱ¼ä£º2023-08-24 22:31:46

       The world of landscape lighting is an ever-expanding universe and keeps getting more innovative. Across the world, there is an extensive adoption of solid state lighting. LED lighting offers so much more than just significantly reduced life-cycle cost from energy savings achieved through source efficacy improvements as well as efficient optical delivery, adaptive lighting, and optimized spectrum over the long operational life of the lighting systems. It provides a huge opportunity to improve the design, performance and value of landscape lighting systems.

       While the physical nature and optical characteristics of LEDs enable unprecedented freedom in lighting form factors, the enhanced controllability of LEDs allows landscape lighting to embark on a new chapter in the conversation between art and technology. LED life and lumen maintenance are not affected by rapid switching or cycling. LEDs are technically dimmable and allow instantaneous, precise control over a wide range of intensity. On/off/dim capability is critical to the implementation of sophisticated adaptive lighting techniques. And a particularly important application of the exceptional dimmability is dynamic color tuning. By individual, accurate dimming control of the component LEDs in a color mixing system, a rejuvenating spectrum of breathtaking color or vibrant white light can be created to bring all the drama and excitement of stage lighting to landscape lighting.

       Landscape lighting is poised for a dramatic transformation as LED technology unlocks a wave of advancements and the Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the way people interact with their environment. The intersection of LED lighting and wireless networking started the digital lighting revolution and drives the trend of migrating lighting control to IP-based network infrastructure. Until recently, digital control of landscape lighting systems has been limited to where DMX wiring permits. Wireless networking via the radio frequency (RF) spectrum eliminates the fuss of electrical wiring and brings unprecedented freedom and flexibility to lighting control. It allows digital control of individual landscape lights. The result is a control zone that can be conceptually defined to include any number of fixtures without physical limitations of electrical circuit loading. The flexibility in control zoning enables sophisticated layering of light. A landscape lighting design can utilize software-addressed zones to create more refined lighting layers for generation of more complex scenes. It is also possible for the same light fixture to be assigned to multiple control zones, allowing it to implement different control strategies under different circumstances.

        Wireless networking makes it possible to establish heterogeneous communication between the intelligent light fixtures and lighting controls. This outcomes in collaboration and information exchange between heterogeneous devices, which is crucial to enabling smart landscape lighting and unleashing the full potential of SSL technology. Wireless networks can bridge fixtures and controls to the Internet where information technology (IT) applications are implemented. Using the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) as a unifying protocol for all communications facilitates network interoperability between heterogeneous interface protocols for communication across cyber-physical systems. The convergence between IT and operational technologies (OT) that work in real-time on the connected lighting systems transforms the smart lights into IoT devices that can be operated through the IP (Internet Protocol) stack.

        With access to the IT infrastructure, the resource-constrained yet intelligent IoT devices can take advantage of cloud-computing environment and cloud-based applications to perform beyond their native capacities and execute technologically advanced algorithms. Together, intelligent LED lighting and digital control systems work in the realm of IoT to effortlessly transform an environment through the influence of intricate light shows.

       A smart landscape light is basically composed of two building blocks: the light engine and the ¡°brain¡± for data processing and communication. The light engine is usually an integrated assembly comprised of an LED module having an array of SMD LEDs mounted on a metal core printed circuit board (MCPCB). The LED board is then thermally interfaced with a heat sink which should be engineered to draw heat away from the LED junction as quickly and efficiently as possible to keep the LED operating temperature within the allowable limits. The LED module can also be an integrated array designed to be mounted directly to a heat sink without a separate circuit board.

       Dynamic lighting systems may be designed as tunable white, RGB, RGBW or RGBA systems that can synthesize secondary colors by mixing light of different wavelengths produced from the LED primaries. Each LED primary is controlled as an individual channel. The LEDs is in most cases operated by a constant current LED driver. Where dimming will be required for dynamic lighting or as part of any control strategy, the LED driver has a pulse-width modulation (PWM) or constant current reduction (CCR) circuit that allows intensity control of the connected LEDs.

        Dynamic lighting systems require accurate dimming of their component LEDs and generally use PWM dimming which supports 256 steps of color depth and can maintain a consistent color point over the full range. Most landscape lights these days are low-voltage systems. With the introduction of high efficiency LED lighting, operating landscape lights on solar power has been a growing trend.










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The Future of Smart Light Poles: Illuminating Tomorrow¡¯s Cities

The Future of Smart Light Poles: Illuminating Tomorrow¡¯s Cities

Imagine walking down a street where the humble streetlight is no longer just a source of light but an intelligent, multi-functional node that enhances safety, delivers information, and contributes to a sustainable city. That¡¯s the promise of smart light poles, and they¡¯re more than just a cool upgrade to urban infrastructure¡ªthey¡¯re the backbone of future smart cities.From improving traffic flow to providing public Wi-Fi, smart light poles represent the kind of innovation that blends cutting-edge technology with practical, everyday needs. Let¡¯s explore how these futuristic light poles will transform urban living in ways that are as exciting as they are impactful.1. A New Role in Urban SafetyTraditional streetlights have always been crucial for safety, but smart light poles will take it a step further. Equipped with cameras, motion sensors, and audio detection capabilities, they¡¯ll become active participants in keeping cities safe.For example, these poles could detect unusual activities like car accidents, loud arguments, or even a person crying for help. They could immediately notify emergency services, providing real-time video footage and location data to responders. Some smart poles could even act as emergency communication hubs, allowing individuals to call for help directly through built-in intercom systems.Beyond emergencies, they can deter crime by adapting their lighting based on activity. Imagine a dimly lit alley that brightens automatically when someone walks through it, creating a safer environment for pedestrians.2. Streamlining Urban TrafficTraffic congestion is a universal headache, but smart light poles could help alleviate this. By integrating sensors, cameras, and communication tools, these poles will monitor real-time traffic conditions and provide data to traffic management systems.Smart light poles can adjust traffic lights based on congestion levels or reroute vehicles during accidents to prevent bottlenecks. They can also relay this information to navigation apps, ensuring drivers get real-time updates on the fastest routes.Even more exciting is their role in autonomous vehicle networks. Smart poles will communicate with self-driving cars, ensuring smooth navigation through busy intersections or alerting vehicles to hazards like pedestrians crossing unexpectedly.3. Public Wi-Fi and ConnectivityIn the age of connectivity, smart light poles could double as public Wi-Fi hotspots. By leveraging 5G technology, these poles will provide high-speed internet access in parks, busy streets, or underserved areas.For cities aiming to close the digital divide, this could be a game-changer. Students, tourists, and residents alike could benefit from always-on connectivity, whether they¡¯re streaming, working remotely, or simply looking up directions.4. Supporting Sustainability GoalsClimate change is driving cities to adopt more sustainable practices, and smart light poles are a natural ally in this effort. Many of these poles will feature energy-efficient LED lights that adjust based on environmental conditions¡ªdim during a full moon, for example, or brighten during heavy fog.Some poles will incorporate renewable energy sources like solar panels or wind turbines, enabling them to power themselves or feed surplus energy back into the grid. In remote areas, self-sufficient smart poles could offer lighting and connectivity without the need for costly infrastructure.By reducing energy consumption and emissions, smart light poles align perfectly with global sustainability goals.5. Personalized Commercial OpportunitiesImagine walking past a smart light pole in a bustling shopping district, and the pole displays a personalized advertisement for a nearby store or restaurant. This could soon be a reality, as smart poles incorporate digital screens and AI-driven advertising algorithms.By analyzing pedestrian data (anonymously, of course), businesses can deliver highly targeted promotions to people passing by. A coffee shop might advertise a discount to a morning commuter, or a clothing store could showcase its latest collection to shoppers during peak hours.This level of personalization creates a win-win situation: businesses increase sales, and consumers receive relevant, timely offers.6. Revolutionizing Emergency Response SystemsNatural disasters and emergencies demand quick action, and smart light poles could play a critical role in coordination and response. For example, during a flood, poles equipped with water-level sensors could monitor rising waters and alert authorities before the situation worsens.Smart poles can also broadcast emergency alerts via built-in speakers or LED screens, providing clear instructions to evacuate or seek shelter. Additionally, they could act as charging stations for mobile devices, ensuring people stay connected when power grids are down.In earthquake-prone areas, poles equipped with seismic sensors could detect tremors and instantly warn residents, buying precious seconds to move to safety.7. Enhancing Pedestrian and Cyclist ExperienceSmart light poles won¡¯t just cater to drivers¡ªthey¡¯ll also significantly improve the experience for pedestrians and cyclists.For instance, these poles could include navigation aids for cyclists, such as LED displays showing bike routes or real-time traffic updates. Pedestrians might benefit from poles equipped with interactive touchscreens providing maps, local event information, or transit schedules.Imagine walking through a city and having access to a multilingual guide right on a pole, helping tourists explore without the need for smartphones.8. Cultural and Aesthetic ContributionsSmart light poles can also contribute to a city¡¯s cultural and aesthetic appeal. Through customizable lighting and digital displays, these poles can enhance the ambiance of public spaces.For example, during holidays or festivals, poles can change their lighting to match the mood¡ªred and green for Christmas, or vibrant colors during a local celebration. They can also display cultural information, such as art, poetry, or historical facts about the area.By combining function with art, smart poles will transform cityscapes into more engaging and beautiful environments.9. Boosting Public Health InitiativesHealth monitoring might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of smart light poles, but they could play a significant role in this area. Poles equipped with air quality sensors can monitor pollution levels and share this data with city authorities and residents in real time.Imagine receiving an alert from a nearby pole advising you to avoid outdoor exercise due to high pollution levels¡ªor directing you to a less polluted route for your morning jog.During pandemics, smart poles could even serve as temperature scanning checkpoints, helping to identify areas with potential outbreaks.10. Future-Proof Communication InfrastructureThe rollout of 5G networks is just the beginning. As communication technologies continue to evolve, smart light poles will serve as scalable infrastructure for future innovations.Their modular designs will allow for easy upgrades, whether it¡¯s for deploying 6G networks or supporting entirely new types of wireless communication. By acting as a flexible foundation, smart poles will ensure cities remain technologically competitive for decades to come.The Road AheadThe beauty of smart light poles lies in their versatility. They aren¡¯t just about lighting streets¡ªthey¡¯re about creating safer, smarter, and more sustainable communities. As cities around the world invest in these technologies, we¡¯ll see a future where urban infrastructure does more than serve¡ªit interacts, adapts, and supports.But like all innovations, challenges remain. Privacy concerns, cost barriers, and integration hurdles must be addressed. However, with proper regulations and collaboration between governments, tech companies, and citizens, these obstacles are surmountable.Smart light poles represent the kind of innovation that gets us excited about the future. They¡¯re proof that even the simplest parts of our cities can be reimagined to create a better world.So, the next time you see a streetlight, take a moment to think: What could it be doing for you tomorrow?
The innovative integration of smart light poles + drone inspections is used in low-altitude economy

The innovative integration of smart light poles + drone inspections is used in low-altitude economy

With the continuous advancement of smart cities and the rapid development of low-altitude economy, the innovative integration of smart light poles and drones has become a field that has attracted much attention. Low-altitude economy refers to a variety of economic activities carried out using low-altitude airspace. As one of the new digital, informatized and intelligent infrastructures, smart light poles, combined with drone technology, not only provide important information collection and transmission nodes for the low-altitude economy, injecting new vitality, but also further improve urban management. efficiency and open up more commercial applications.1. The innovative integration of smart light poles + drones. Smart light poles serve as lifting ¡°airports¡± for drones.Smart light poles can integrate drone take-off and landing platforms to provide a safe take-off and landing environment for drones. More importantly, smart light poles as infrastructure are widely distributed in cities. This advantage greatly reduces the cost of new drone sites and improves resource utilization. At the same time, by adding charging facilities to smart light poles, drones can be charged anytime and anywhere, further improving work efficiency.2. Data collection and transmissionUAV smart light poles can monitor and transmit a variety of information such as urban environmental data, traffic data, and people flow data in real time by integrating various sensors and communication equipment. These data provide necessary data support for drones, allowing them to perform various tasks more accurately. At the same time, various sensors carried by drones can also monitor the urban environment in real time, providing richer and more comprehensive data support for smart light poles. In addition, through the information release screen of smart light poles, drones can achieve more convenient urban management data interaction.3. Application scenario expansionThe integration and innovation of smart light poles and drones can meet the needs of different scenarios. In the field of public security, they can be used to assist police patrols, search for missing persons, etc.; in the field of agricultural environment, they can be used for pesticide spraying, crop monitoring, etc., to improve the level of agricultural refinement and production efficiency; in the construction of smart cities, they can be used To enhance the image of the city and make urban management more efficient and intelligent. Application cases of smart light pole + drone4. The application of smart light poles + drones is an innovative practice that combines advanced technology and intelligent applications. The following are some implementation cases:China's first "smart street light + drone inspection" road, Yueqing Electric City Avenue in Wenzhou, Zhejiang In July 2021, Yueqing Electric City Avenue in Wenzhou, Zhejiang became China's first road equipped with drone inspection during the construction of a smart street light project Officially opened to traffic, a small airport with drones installed on the center pole lights on Electric City Avenue serves as the take-off and landing platform for the drone automatic inspection system. By presetting the trajectory of the drone, the drone can undertake a large part of the inspection tasks in the later operation and maintenance work, mainly including scheduled inspections and emergency inspections.5. "Smart light pole + drone + Beidou", Beidou smart integrated light pole application in Quzhou, Zhejiang, ChinaIn April 2023, in Zhangshu Bay, Yancun, Yanjiang Highway (Kecheng Section), Quzhou City, Zhejiang, China, every morning and evening rush hour comes, the small iron box on the top of the Beidou Smart Integrated Light Pole automatically opens, and the drone inside takes up work. , inspect the surrounding roads once each, covering a radius of 7 kilometers along the way within 1 hour of working time. During drone inspection operations, if there is a serious congestion, the drone will hover close to observe, synchronize with the Beidou big data platform at the rear, and use the megaphone on board to cooperate with traffic control personnel to divert traffic."Smart light pole + drone application system" Shaanxi Xixian New District Energy Jinmao District Shaanxi Data collected by high-definition dome cameras installed on smart light poles built next to the platform. The standing smart light poles and equipped high-definition dome cameras penetrate into every corner of the highway, streets, parks and other areas under the jurisdiction. In the fields of municipal administration, transportation, security, environmental protection and other fields, they can provide public facility monitoring, real-time information release, smart security, and convenience for the people. Charging, emergency calling, weather and air monitoring and other functions.In summary, the integration of smart light poles and drones has shown great potential in urban management. This integration also provides more possibilities for public services. At the same time, the integration of smart light poles and drones also Promoted the development of related industrial chains. The innovative integration of smart light poles and drones in the low-altitude economy represents an important technological progress in the construction of smart cities, bringing unprecedented convenience and efficiency to urban management, public services and multiple industries. With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of applications, this integration method will show broader prospects and greater potential. The low-altitude economy has emerged. Let us join hands to witness how the intelligent light of smart light poles and drones complement each other in this grand blueprint, and jointly create a brilliant future.
Solar lawn lamp market demand analysis

Solar lawn lamp market demand analysis

Solar lawn lamp is a kind of green energy lamps, with safety, energy saving, environmental protection, easy to install and so on. Solar lawn lamp is mainly composed of light source, controller, battery, solar cell module and lamp body and other components. Under the light irradiation, the energy is stored in the battery through the solar cell, and in the absence of light, the battery energy is sent into the load LED through the controller, which is suitable for green grass beautification lighting.(1) The scale of foreign market demandIn developed countries such as the United States, Japan and the European Union, the demand for solar lawn lights has shown a rapid growth trend in recent years. Solar lawn lamp style is simple, there is no long cable, there is a battery inside, during the day to absorb daylight reserve, whenever the dusk light will be lit, emit soft light, generally can last 8h.Europe is very green, high lawn coverage. Some cities and villages in Europe are full of lawns, and many urban parks take lawns as the protagonist, becoming the best place for people to relax and entertain. In addition, the villa building lawn area is also very large. Today, with the rapid development of the solar photovoltaic industry, the utilization rate of solar lawn lights in Europe ranks among the top in the world, and solar lawn lights have become a part of the green landscape in Europe.More than 90% of solar lawn lights sold in the United States use nickel-cadmium batteries as energy storage batteries. Solar lawn lights can only use nickel-cadmium batteries with a capacity between 600 and 900m Ah. Due to the nickel-cadmium battery (1.2V) has a memory effect, which will lead to a significant reduction in the capacity of the battery without full discharge, and nickel-cadmium batteries contain toxic substances, the United States gradually began to ban nickel-cadmium batteries, which will make the United States solar lawn lamp market demand structure has changed, and the replacement demand has increased the market demand for solar lawn lamps.In Japan and South Korea, urban street planning and design, improvement projects and long-term management reflect the people-oriented design concept, quality awareness of excellence, exquisite and harmonious street landscape, functional service facilities, highly civilized public quality, in the road greening, park greening and other lawns have been widely used solar lawn lights.The annual import of solar lawn lights from China has exceeded 100 million, and this market will continue to maintain a rapid growth trend in the next few years.(2) The scale of domestic market demandSolar lawn lights are mainly used in urban lawns, including green Spaces such as squares, parks, communities, and roads. The acceleration of urbanization and the improvement of urban green space have stimulated the development of lawn production and scientific research. There are already thousands of enterprises engaged in lawn supply across the country, of which there are dozens of backbone enterprises of about 1,000 acres. The annual output of domestic lawn has exceeded 200 million square meters.(3) The growth of demand for solar lawn lamp productsChina's solar energy industry is developing rapidly, and the potential demand for solar energy products in the domestic market is also huge. In recent years, solar lawn lights are widely used at home and abroad because of their energy-saving, environmental protection, convenient installation and other characteristics, although the application of our products has not been fully popularized, but its demand potential is huge. With the further increase of urban green area, the domestic market will further increase the supply demand for solar lawn lights.




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